
The plenary talk which given by Prof. M. Zahid Hasan and Prof. Per Delsing are canceled.

Prof. M. Zahid Hasan和Prof. Per Delsing因為健康考量 ,不克來台參加物理年會 。
Prof. M. Zahid Hasan
Prof. Per Delsing安排於物理年會的大會演講因故取消。
台灣物理年會籌備團隊 敬啟

Prof. Zahid Hasan and Prof. Per Delsing assesses personal hygiene condition and decide not to visit Taiwan this time.
The plenary talk which given by Prof. M. Zahid Hasan and Prof. Per Delsing are canceled.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
2020 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan

Prof. Xi-Cheng Zhang

Parker Givens Chair at The Institute of Optics, University of Rochester




Alexander von Humboldt Prize


Australian Academy of Science Selby Fellow


International Society of IRMMW-THz Button Prize


OSA William F. Meggers Award


IEEE Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award

Prof. Zhang is a Fellow of AAAS, APS, IEEE, OSA, and SPIE. He has received 29 US patents, authored or co-authored over 300 refereed scientific papers with his h-index of 87.


Time:2020/02/05 14:10~15:00
TitleRecent Progress on Advanced THz Science and Technology



Prof. M. Zahid Hasan

Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics, Princeton University &

Visiting Faculty Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory




2019Co-Inventor, US Patent on “Method for production and identification of Weyl semimetal

Hasan-Kane RMP (2010) featured under “90-Years of Revs of Mod. Phys.” by APS-Physics

(All time 3rd most cited RMP published by American Physical Society as of 2019).

2018Highly-Cited (Top 1%), Clarivate Analytics’ “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds List”
2017Honorific endowed professorship (Eugene Higgins Professor) at Princeton University
2017Highly-Cited (Top 1%), Clarivate Analytics’ “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds List”
2016Miller Visiting Professorship awarded by Miller Institute of Basic Science, UC-Berkeley
2016Highly-Cited (Top 1%), Thomson Reuters’ World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds List
2015“Physics World Top-10 Breakthrough” for Weyl fermion discovery
2014Invitee, Nobel Symposium on New Forms of Matter, Sweden (2014) Opening Talk

Moore Experimental Investigator Award, G&B Moore Foundation, Palo Alto, California Citation: “In support of leading-edge research to develop novel methods to fabricate,characterize, and control quantum materials at nanometer length scales”

2014Highly-Cited (Top 1%), Thomson Reuters’ World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds List
2013Fellow, American Physical Society (USA), APS Citation: “For the experimental discovery of three dimensional topological insulators.

American Competitive and Innovation-Fellow (National Science Foundation), NSF Citation: “for his outstanding, groundbreaking research on topological insulators and his exemplary efforts in enabling the participation of a broader community in American science.


David A. Shirley Award for Outstanding Achievement at ALS, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

Citation: "For the creative use of spectroscopy which led to the discovery of topological order in bulk solid and quantum Hall-like topological behavior without magnetic field
2009Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship Award, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, USA.

Time:2020/02/05 15:10~16:00
TitleNew Forms of Quantum Matter : Topological Insulators, Magnets to Weyl Fermions and Beyond



Prof. Per Delsing

Full Professor in exprerimental physics, Chalmers University of Technology

Distinguished professor, Swedish Research Council (VR Rådspofessor)



1991“The SKF-Chalmers award”. SKF
1993“Lidbomska belöningen”. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA)
1994 “Regeringens forskningsberednings pris till unga forskare”. The Swedish Ministry of Education
1999  The Göran Gustavsson price in physics. The Göran Gustavsson foundation
2006“Edlundska priset. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. (KVA)
2009The Gustav Dalén Medal, Chalmers Alumni Association (CING)
2010Advanced Research Grant, European Research Council, (ERC)

Member of the Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences since 1999

Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences since 2007

Member of the Royal Society of arts and Sciences in Göteborg since 2007

Member of the Nobel committee for Physics, 2007-2015

Chairman of the Nobel committee for Physics, 2014

Fellow of the American physical society, 2015

Distinguished Professor, appointed by the Swedish research council 2016-2025


Time:2020/02/06 11:00-12:00
TitleArtificial atoms interacting with light and sound



Prof. Lin I

Professor, Department of Physics, National Central University



1991, 1994 & 1996Outstanding Research Awards, National Science Council, Taiwan
1995Asian Outstanding Achievement Award, Oversea Chinese Physical Society: for the first laboratory demonstration of dusty plasma crystals and phase transition
1996 Fellow, Physical Society of Republic of China
1997  National Research Award, Ministry of Education, Taiwan

ISI Classic Citation Index Award for the paper, Direct observation of Coulomb crystals and liquids in strongly coupled rf dusty plasmas, PRL, 72, 4009, 1994, the second most cited paper in Physical Review Letter of 1994.

2003 - 2007National Chair Professor, Ministry of Education, Taiwan
2005Fellow, American Physical Society
2006 - present

Kuo-Ting Chair professor, National Central University

2008Academician, Academia Sinica


Time:2020/02/07 11:00-12:00
TitleVisualizing micro and macroscopic coherent excitations in nonlinear acoustic waves: from order to turbulence