Field measurement system for TPS cryogenic permanent magnet undulator
Chinkang Yang1*, Jui-Che Huang1, Chih-Sheng Yang1, Chih-Wei Chen1, Ching-Shiang Hwang1
1磁鐵小組, 同步輻射, 新竹, Taiwan
* Presenter:Chinkang Yang,
A PrFeB-based cryogenic permanent-magnet undulator (CPMU) with 15 mm period length (CU15) is being constructed to provide high brilliant X-rays for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) nano-probe scope beamline. An in-vacuum Hall probe measurement system is developed to measure and tune the magnetic field of the CU15. A field strength and temperature dependent calibration of the Hall probe is done to obtain the real field distributions. The details of improvements in the measurement system, field tuning methods, and measurement results at cryogenic temperature are presented.
Keywords: cryogenic permanent-magnet undulator, Hall probe, field measurement