HO Puppis: An Eruptive Be Star with 2.5-Mag Dips
Chien-De Lee1*, 歐佳宇1, 俞伯傑1,2, 饒兆聰1, 黃柏傑1, 葉永烜1, Hyun-il Sung3
1天文所, 國立中央大學, 桃園市, Taiwan
2通識教學部, 元智大學, 桃園市, Taiwan
3Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory (BOAO), Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI), Daejeon, Korea
* Presenter:Chien-De Lee, email:chien.de.lee@gmail.com
As the main-sequence objects, Be stars are unique in two ways: their rotating velocity approach a critical value in the equatorial region, and they have or have had line-emitting region surrounded. Because the surrounding disks are dissipated outward, the Be stars often show photometric, spectroscopic and polarimetric variability, known as Be phenomenon. This is why we keep our attention on Be stars with the high cadence strategy surveys, such as ZTF project. In the very beginning of ZTF survey, a Be star, HO Puppis, was observed with two highly unusual 2.5-magnitude dips within 30 days. Along with these significant dips in the light curve, HO Pup also shows usual semi-regular periodic variation. Here we report our results of periodic analysis, photometric and spectroscopic simultaneous followup with public surveys, CFHT/EsPADOnS and our Lulin Observatory.
Keywords: stars: variables: general, stars: emission-line, Be, stars: individual (HO Puppis), circumstellar matter, ZTF